How to Make a Dreamcatcher  

Posted by Rogue

I am always fascinated with Native American culture. Their principles are great and their people have this amazing discipline and respect to one another. Aside from this, their crafts are also amazingly unique because they symbolizes characteristics even a simple feather earring. Recently, I've been trying to find out how to make a dream catcher. For those of you who haven't heard of it, a dreamcatcher is an inanimate object or bawaajige nagwaagan which means dream snare, a handmade craft composed of willow hoop, wooven and feathers. It is generally considered a symbol of unity among different Indian Nations and symbol for identifying Native American or the so-called First Nations cultures. But the real purpose of a dreamcatcher is to become a protective charm. It should be hung over the bed so that the dreams (good or bad dreams) will go to the catcher. The bad dreams will be caught, while the good dreams will flow through the catcher.

I am not a superstitious person who believes that each thing or occurrences happens for a reason or an atheist like most scientist or the people in scrub uniforms believe that there is no such thing of this and that. In fact, I am always on the neutral side. I only appreciate the beauty and essence of this object which is significant to a society and can be a good part of a home or room. Perhaps, this is also good for people who always have a terrible nightmare.

I found a video on how to make a dream catcher, if you want to learn how-to, just click here

Why Skipping Breakfast is Bad For You  

Posted by Rogue

Nowadays, having a hectic schedule is seemingly becoming a trend. We work for survival, that's why some of us forget about spending time for their family, themselves, to eat and even to look in the mirror. When we say survival, it doesn't mean you have to work, work and work all day. If you want to get through the day and at least add more years to your life, paying attention to health is definitely a must.

Most of us skipped breakfast either there is no time or on diet. This is not a good thing. If you're one of those people who always do this, take time to read this post.

First thing, breakfast is a very important meal. It has an impact on how you will respond to the pressure of the day. Here are essential reminders that will help you realize why a morning meal should not be skipped.

Breakfast gives you energy balance and better blood sugar. Breakfast can help you survive the first phase of the day. Skipping it will make you prone to energy slumps. People who have low Gl breakfast present on morning meals (glycaemic index found in wholegrain toast with baked beans or rolled oats) usually enjoy the day without slumping.

It improves your coping strategy when it comes to stress. Breakfast can help increase your responses to stress and keeping you away from getting volatile or mood swings. On a study made by people in Barco scrubs, people who eat breakfast are less prone to distress and depression than those who skip morning meal.

Balanced body weight and better appetite control. When your blood sugar is stable, it gives you a lot of energy that will keep you away from getting hungry later in the morning. hence, you will not be exposed to foods that are fatty, sugary, or starchy. It may sound so strange but eating your breakfast daily will help you control of your weight. So, if you wanted to have a trimmer figure, eating your morning meal can help you achieve it.

Good concentration. Skipping your meals especially your breakfast makes your mental performance suffer later in the morning which keeps you from concentrating on what you are doing.

Healthier future. Making the skipping of breakfast a long term habit will expose yourself from chronic health problems like heart diseases or diabetes. Things will get worse if you are a smoker, so while it is early, better to eat your breakfast than suffer with illness and quit smoking.

How to Deal With Difficult People  

Posted by Rogue

Have you ever remember the last time you deal with a difficult person? Or when was the last time you've heard something from someone saying negative things to you who has the intention of hurting you? What was the outcome? What did you do in that situation? What are the things you can do to avoid similar situations and the same people?

The truth is, the world is full of negative people. No matter where you go and no matter what you do, there will always be a person who will try to hurt you or perhaps oppose to you and piss you off until you explode.

Conflicts are considered normal since there are billions of people in the world who have differences. It is a factor that triggers our emotions and what drives us to react, attack and defend. So, in these difficult moment, we sometimes lose track of our higher selves and become a wild creature that has an urge to protect ourselves. But certainly most of us would want to maintain the decency as an educated people who does not easily give in to things that we think can still be resolve through calmness and communication not with negative argument.

So, how do you deal with difficult people? You don't need to slap or punch them just because you want to hurt their feelings. Here are a few tips why you should control your responses.

The more you hurt others, the more you're hurting yourself too. Responding to any negtivity or argument can hurt the others, however, you are neglecting its side effect. Whenever you are hurting someone, your inner peace is destroyed and creating a pain within yourself.

It's not You. It's them. According to people in Urbane scrubs, when someone say any kind of negativitity, that means, it is just their way of expressing their inner state externally and you just happened to be the person catching those negativities. In short: there are people who are just unhappy and bored with their own lives that they want to take others down with them.

War of egos. Once a person respond to a negative statement thrown at him, it is an honest and
natural response. But surely you've noticed that when you respond to that person with painful words, it feels good right, especially when that person cannot respond with what you've said. While it feels good in your head, but your soul doesn't. When you fight back, it will just form a guilt and conscience will whisper to you. What to do to resolve? Nothing. It doesn't matter who is Right, for now. As long as you knew it wasn't true and not absorbing the negativity, you'll be fine.

Negativity results to negativity. Responding to negative attacks will only make additional anger and negativity. In short, it will not help and it will not stop the other person. So since you're the one who can understand, take the lead - just don't respond.

Waste of Time and Energy. Whenever we're giving out attention, were also letting energy flow and of course, consume time. Thus, giving time and energy to negativity is truly a waste.

Spreading of Negativity to your Body. When we are in a negative state, we're also spreading negativity to all the other areas making our mind and body burdened with stress and anger.

Allow the right to speech freedom. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, hence, just let them talk what they want. Remember, we have differences, positive for that person is negative for you, we have our own perspective. You can choose whether to argue or to just stop and be at peace.

Going Vegan - Tips how to start  

Posted by Rogue

This year I'm planning to switch into a vegetarian lifestyle. I realized I've been feeding my body with unhealthy foods that will probably take me to a hospital bed sometime soon. And I don't want that to happen. So, the challenge is, getting started. It's not easy to switch since I've been a "carnivorous " (don't know if i'm using the right term) for more than 20 years and now entering a new lifestyle where my body is not used to is definitely a big challenge for me.

Here are some of the tips I have gathered which I think will be helpful for people including me, who wants to be a vegetarian.

  1. Start eating dark green vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, and collard greens 3x a week - Dark green veggies are bombarded with vitamins inlcuding iron and calcium. If you have a hectic schedule and no time to grab a bite of spinach, taking green drinks like Naked Juice's Green Machine, is recommended. This juice contains fruits and some veggies so it tastes good.
  2. Drink enough water. Perhaps you have heard or read about it million times. But this is true. Most of us doesn't drink enough water that's why people in uniform scrubs always remind us about it. Water helps cleanse our body inside and out. It is very essential especially when changing a new way of eating. So, always take with you a water bottle wherever you go.
  3. Eat a handful of raw veggies or a piece of fruit daily and make it a habit. Just like an old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
  4. Explore new food combinations and stick to greens! Learn the vegan recipes they have some tasty menu that your tummy will love.
  5. Learn more about Vegan nutrition. This is an important especially for beginners. Know first the do's and don'ts in vegan world.