I admit, I've been a people pleaser, but not too much. It took me a long time to admit that I have this bad habit. Anyone knows it's not good. In my case, I only do it to people who are really special to me and to those who I want to get close to. It's not a good feeling. I always wanted to make other people happy eventhough I'm not. That's why, I reaped everything I did in the end. If you're like this, preventing it early is a wise decision.
Some people may not be aware that they are a "people pleaser" while others doesn't want to admit that they are. Going out of the way just to make other people happy is not good. It makes you a useless person, a puppet, a medium who is ready to be used just to give in to the demands of other people. Adapters, which is the other term for People Pleasers, are not being valued in our society, their opinion doesn't counts, they are shadows, they are everything that is negative though their purpose is to provide happiness for others.
They are not happy because they don't even know who they are. These people focused too much on others not what is inside their minds and hearts. Yes, they have more friends but they are always doubtful of their real intentions. People pleasers or adapters always ask for more. However, they don't know exactly what they want or what they are searching for. They are bombarded with insecurities. These things will go with them until they leave the world - unhappy for not doing the things they love to do.
If you are a people pleaser, stop doing it now! Here are some of the helpful tips that you can do to overcome this bad habit.
- First thing, you have to admit that you are a People Pleaser.
- Learn how to say NO and be serious with it. Don't change your mind. This will help you let go of the chains that wrapped your life for a long time.
- Learn how to balance everything. Making other people happy is not your responsibility no matter how they are special to you. Remember, they are responsible for their own lives just as you are.
- Put your own needs ahead of everything. Yes, this will make you feel guilty at times but it will help you see the people who truly cares without you, pleasing them.
- Have a healthy point of view. This will make you feel confident and overcome insecurities. You will gain self respect and dignity.
- And lastly, don't think that others will not like you if you stop doing things for them. If someone has stop liking you just because you said NO, then that person is not your real friend. A real friend is someone who understands you and stand with you even when you stop becoming a "people pleaser".
And me? I'm still on the process, but I'm getting good results already. Goodluck to us! :)