How to Make a Dreamcatcher  

Posted by Rogue

I am always fascinated with Native American culture. Their principles are great and their people have this amazing discipline and respect to one another. Aside from this, their crafts are also amazingly unique because they symbolizes characteristics even a simple feather earring. Recently, I've been trying to find out how to make a dream catcher. For those of you who haven't heard of it, a dreamcatcher is an inanimate object or bawaajige nagwaagan which means dream snare, a handmade craft composed of willow hoop, wooven and feathers. It is generally considered a symbol of unity among different Indian Nations and symbol for identifying Native American or the so-called First Nations cultures. But the real purpose of a dreamcatcher is to become a protective charm. It should be hung over the bed so that the dreams (good or bad dreams) will go to the catcher. The bad dreams will be caught, while the good dreams will flow through the catcher.

I am not a superstitious person who believes that each thing or occurrences happens for a reason or an atheist like most scientist or the people in scrub uniforms believe that there is no such thing of this and that. In fact, I am always on the neutral side. I only appreciate the beauty and essence of this object which is significant to a society and can be a good part of a home or room. Perhaps, this is also good for people who always have a terrible nightmare.

I found a video on how to make a dream catcher, if you want to learn how-to, just click here

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